
The WKCA 2025 Membership Drive has started and a printed WKCA News letter is slated to distributed the 15/16 March 2025.
See “Join WKCA!” page for the annual membership form and residents can now pay dues electronically using PayPal. Hard copy checks are still a viable option, which you can simply complete the form, print, and return by taking a picture and emailing it to WKCABoard@wknolls.net.  Or you can download and complete the fillable PDF and email to us; for the form, please click on the “Join WKCA!” page.  
” If you know of a new family that has moved into the neighborhood, please contact John Flynn or Tom Blume at WKCABoard@wknolls.net in order for us to get their information into our database. ”        
                           ** MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT**
  We are in need of volunteers to fill vacancies/replace board officers and chairpersons who have served over 10 years. The board is seeking new volunteers for fresh perspectives. We meet multiple times a year. Some jobs only require 4 to 5 hours a year. Please contact me by e-mail or call 703-569-2368 to learn more about a role you could fill as a volunteer for the community. No prior experience is necessary.

    PayPal payment information is below. PayPal’s rate per transaction is still approximately 3%.

Please provide First and Last Name and Residential Address to ensure proper Crediting of your Payment
            Name:     Street Address:

Check out with PayPal