Board Members

The 2025 officers and board of the WKCA invite and encourage your comments and ideas about civic association business, activities and events. Please contact any of us to share your thoughts. By email, you can reach us at

President: Tom Blume
Vice President: Jeff Lins
Treasurer: Jeff Levine
Secretary: Vacant

Committee Chairs:
Membership/ Member Directory: John Flynn
Knolls News Editor: Tom Blume
Education Committee: Ed Linz
Website Chairperson: John Flynn
Welcome Wagon Chairperson: VACANT
Social Chairperson: Stacey Ivie and Kate Thorne
Median Coordinator/ grounds: Fred Blum
Neighborhood Watch: Vacant
Sign Maintenance/Landscaping: VACANT

Please send us your questions / comments to WKCA Board
YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!  The WKCA board is in need of new volunteers to fill positions of long-serving committee chairs who would like to turn over their role to someone new and have reached their service limit according to our bylaws.  We have an urgent need for a Secretary, Website Chairperson and Neighborhood Watch Chairperson.  Contact me to learn more about the board and the role you could fill as a volunteer for the community — No prior experience is necessary!