Residents may join anytime throughout the year, but the annual membership drive runs from March through April.
Our Mission: Winston Knolls Civic Association was established in 2008 to devise and implement ways and means for the promotion of civic, community, and general welfare of residents in the Winston Knolls area. Please Click below for the membership form — dues still remain at only $20. 00 annually. We need your help and ask that you renew your membership as WKCA can only continue to provide the services, events, and activities we all enjoy through the continued membership of our residents – both owners and those renting a home in the community. Even if you decide not to join the WKCA, please return the form in order to keep our database up to date. Be a good neighbor and please support our Civic Association, a small price with a big return!
TO ESTABLISH OR RENEW MEMBERSHIP: click here to download a fillable Adobe PDF version that you can complete and email (or print and write in the info and take a photo), to
Knolls News – Providing information on WKCA activities, home improvement tips, committee reports, neighborhood news, and more
Neighborhood Directory – Excellent resource published biennially
Social Events – Holiday activities, Community Picnic, and more
WKCA and OHECA community yard sale (fall/spring)
Charter/Sponsorship – Cub Scout Pack 685
Advocacy to local goverment /Supervisor – Gathering and sharing information on issues of importance to residents and representing the community as appropriate
Beautification – Sponsoring Cleanup Day in the spring, planting shrubs/flowers, annual funding for the mowing of Huntsman Boulevard median sidewalks, and Winston Knoll sign area throughout the spring & summer to keep up property values in the community
Website and Email Updates – Offering 24/7 access to neighborhood resources and information
Neighborhood Watch (On Hold Due to Lack of Participation) – Working with local authorities and looking out for each other.