Winston Knolls Civic Association (WKCA) 2025 Annual Membership Form
Your dues support, among other things, the WKCA Directory, The Knolls News, website; special events like dumpster/large item drop-off days, yard sales, and paper-shred day; social activities like holiday and seasonal events, community beautification efforts, and more; all to benefit our Winston Knolls community. Please join us!
Annual Dues: $20 Two Year Dues: $40
Note: If you don’t remember if you took advantage of paying for two years, please email us at or John Flynn at / Tom Blume at
Options for returning this form: Residents can either (1) fill-in this fillable PDF form electronically then email or (2) print and fill-out by hand then return to us by taking a photo of it and/or emailing it to
Options for paying dues: Residents can pay dues using PayPal or mailing in a check. If you would like to avoid PayPal’s 2.99% fee, mailing to the following address will still cost a postage stamp and price of envelope. You are welcome to mail this form along with your check (do not send cash) to: WKCA, PO Box 2893, Springfield, Virginia 22152
Please note Resident Information above will be in directory unless box is checked: No
Email address *
Cell phone (optional)
Phone number – for use of Neighborhood Watch patrol/notification
Give Back to Your Community
We invite you to get involved with any of the following activities of the Winston Knolls Civic Association. Check any/all that interest you.
Neighborhood Watch - assist being a patrol and soliciting volunteers
Membership - help organize the membership drive, coordinate with block captains
Block Captain for my block – help during membership drive by visiting neighbors to collect forms
Social - help plan and setup special events
Beautification - help during Earth Day/Clean-up Days and with gardening around the sign area
Directory/Database - manage existing member database, produce directory
Website - maintain/update website on a regular basis
Newsletter - collect articles and assemble newsletter to be emailed and sent to residents
Public Service - monitor issues with service providers and report to board/community as needed
Email address/phone number for scheduling purposes:
Winston Knolls Civic Association (WKCA) 2025 Annual Membership Form
Neighborhood Service Provider Directory
Interested in letting others know what you can do? The following information will be entered in the community database and published in The Knolls News as space permits. Information for services will be listed at no charge on the WKCA website for residents who have paid dues. Please print your name, age (or “adult”) and phone number. If ages have changes, please update them and we will update our information accordingly.
You Must Mark One Below to Authorize Your Listing:
I am an adult and authorize this listing to be included on the WKCA website and in the Winston Knolls newsletter.
Service provider is under 18, but I am the parent/guardian and permit this listing with phone number to be printed in the Winston Knolls newsletter and/or WKCA website.
Parent signature required here:
Do not print my listing; just keep it available to be provided to neighbors when they make a request directly to the WKCA database manager.